Life with chronic illness may bring unexpected challenges, but that doesn't mean you can't be in control of your life. In fact, if you're not, then something or someone else is....
One of the most potent forms of medicine isn't something you can buy at a pharmacy or get at the doctor's office. No one else can give you this medicine or perform its magic for you. It's movement, simple physical activity that can have profound healing effects. And it's something only you can do for yourself....
Not much about chronic illness surprises me anymore. But there is one thing that happens that always seems to catch me off guard. Getting sick....
To be meaningful, we don't necessarily have to do wonderful things or accomplish spectacular goals. Most of the time, what we do is far less important than who we are. Our simple presence, our caring, our bodies, our minds all have value to the world....
Through this article I explore some very basic methods that can be used to relieve tension, stress, and depression, as well as sharpen intuition, clear the mind, and increase energy. These methods can be used by anyone to help restore a general sense of well-being....
Sometimes that life isn't what we expect and coming to terms with the new reality of life with chronic illness is difficult and can be traumatic. I know it took me several years after my diagnosis before I found an inner acceptance...
Life can get out of balance pretty quickly. When you have a chronic illness, that balance can be even more difficult to maintain. It is one more demand upon our limited time and energy....
Let me know if there is anything I can do... we often tell a friend who lives with a chronic illness. I've offered this numerous times, but there are very few times someone has actually felt comfortable calling and asking me to help them out....