Hi there,
I don't have much to add to what Yalinda posted to you besides welcome to the board! I have been on the MTX for several months and I am also on 8 pills plus plaquenil and preparing to begin Enbrel injections. One thin you must do is drink plenty of water, especially the day you take your dose because I did not a few times and I had an awful burning in my hips! I've never missed a dose or been late so I am not sure about that but my doctor says it has a half life of one week, so by the time the next dose is due it has left the system and your body is ready for another. I told him once that it didn't seem like my dose of 5 or 6 pills were doing the trick and before my next dose I was in pain, when asked how long they stayed around, he told me the half life of MTX was one week. Hope this helps?
In the beginning the MTX worked wonders! especially with the plaquenil and over time we increased the MTX until now I am maxed out and needing something different. I'm also RF negative, and one thing I have noticed in the past couple of years is that my knuckles are much larger than they used to be, and my fingers are becoming crooked. It is very difficult to get my ring past my knuckle now on my ring finger and on my right hand there is no way I can wear one at all, I would have to buy a ring 3 sizes larger to get it on but then it would be HUGE! I think your doctor is looking for redness and swelling/pain.