I took prednisone for 8 months, just finally weaned off of it. Started at 5mg, went up to 10mg, then tapered off 1mg at a time from there. I almost immediately started losing a SMALL bit of weight without trying. Yay, but now I'm gonna have to work at it-in moderation.
My most irritating side effect beside weight gain was my hair (already dark and thick) became more noticeable on my face, darker and thicker. I t makes me self conscious and I won't put my hair back to expose the side of my face. I wondered if with long term use if I would eventually have more facial hair. Definately not desirable for a woman.
Also the shape of my face has changed a bit, not in a good way. And not just from the weight gain.
These are all regular noted side effects.
My rheumy explained that it's not a matter of if you will have side effects from this drug, but when. A bit disturbing, since I usually don't have much of any side effects.
So I'm glad the doc took me off.
best to you with your meds,