Thank Deb and rfbocritter, it seems to help some.
but i wish he would up my pain med to three times a day. i think that could funtion better.
I hate to have to take meds, but if they are gonna get me through my day and help me get done what i got to get done than so be it.
I dont feel that my back should have severe arthritis at age 39, and it in my knees too real bad, they said i have degenerating disc disease. My MIL and husband are try to convice me everyone has this, and just suck it up and deal with it, like evryone else does. there are days i cant even move.
I cant take voltren(cant spell), cannot take any nsaids, kills my stomach. so im on loratab twice a day. it helps for about an hour. But the zanaflex seems to be helping it better, just wanted to know who else took it, and if helped, and it looks like Deb has, i hopes helped you all this time 6 yrs a is awhile. I got to take three times a day. and do stretches and swim. but i hate the sun, i guess can stick on my sunglasses and get out there, just got to do it whether i hate the sun or not, my back needs the excercise.
When my dr looked over my report he looked surprises that it went from bad to severe in one year
is the back suppose to degenerate that quickly?
Oh thank you both for replying to my post i appreciate it ..