Posted 8/8/2008 1:04 PM (GMT 0)
Duck, I have had a rheumatologist in the past dx me with Fibromyalgia, he did x-ray my knees, and said yes there is arthritis but everyone has arthritis, he told to to do water aerobic, wish is good, but i hate the sun, make me feel awful, overcast days is better for me, i wish our pool was indoor.
My old PCP ran a lot of tests on me basically saying you have arthritis and some type of autoimmune disease, as i had always had an elevated temp, probably due to inflammation, which I cant take any nsaids, for it, because they destroy my stomach, among other unwanted side effects like ringing in my ear etc.
Bextra was the only one i could ever take, if it were destrying my stomach, i didnt know about it, it was great it help my inflamtion giving me some relief. but they went and took it offf the market
My pcp now is an interlist( i cant spell), and my pain mangement who has had me have to cats one last year one this year, showserious severe changes in one year with the arthrits, and withthe disc dengeneting, than it did one year ago, so i asked the PM im i just gonna keep getting worse and all he has to say was
lets put your on zanflex for my spasms, and continue stretching.
I think i probably need to go to a orthopedic surgeon. but that's more money and yet anther dr, and more test more money, my husband will kill me, already thinks i'm on too many meds, and doesn't believe how much i do hurt, i have to take a pain killers to actually get a good clean thoroughly bathroom etc.
I have applied for disability again, i have more issues than arthritis, i have Interstial Cystitis, which is where my bladder has constant ulcer on it and cause bllous to be on my urine at time, makes me go to the bathroom sometimes more than 70 times a day, and is painful. My limbs go numb very easily.
so I am just looking for someone who has ddd and advanced to tell what they did, and how is the out come. Because i have no Idea what im gonna be doing, God help me, thanks for listening., I hope i get more replies with people with ddd with severe arthritis to go with it and how they cope etc, thank you........