dear Blondie
I don't recall feeling bad after my embrel shots, I actually felt like you did with your first one!!!
Maybe your immune system is just not up to speed, and so you are prone to have these hiccups.
I would suggest being real strict with your diet and making sure you get enough rest breaks.
In any case, call your rheumy and see what he says
These drugs do lessen our immune system, so we have to be conscious of looking after ourselves.
As much as I enjoyed the benefits of more mobility and speed with embrel, I had to abandon it due to injection site
problems.......and the same happened with Hirmira, so now I am on MabThera infusions every 6 months..........
Today I'm taking it easy........did too much yesterday( little compared to "normal" people) and the sinus prob. has increased. So I am taking my time, resting, eating no rubbish, drinking lots of warm water and rinsing my nose every couple of hours
So catch up with the doc. and see what he has to say.
I'd be interested to know
I think he wouldn't be surprised that you are getting sick
And i think it is the sickness(due to your low immune system) that is making you worse with your rheumatoid
I know that if I am sick in any way, my rheumatoid flairs
Hope this helps