Hi guys,
Sunday night already .......where does the weekend go????? Normal busy weekend for me, think I hit the gound running Friday night as soon as the kids leave, and don't stop until this time Sunday night. Went to the baseball game with a friend today (Yeah! Rays are in the playoffs! First ever winning season here), came home to see the end of the NASCAR race. Now watching football...gosh, can you tell I only had boys??
Mom, you doing ok? Please let us know how you're doing, been worried about you. Unless I missed a post, don't think you've been on since you were having all the trouble with rashes, sun, etc.
CaMama, just wrote you, looks like you answered some of my same questions here..should have looked first lol. You sure do have a lot coming up, but at least they are checking this all out really well. I just had a bunch of bloodwork, too. My sugar was 86, and the doc was real happy with that. Please take it easy if you can...hard not to be worried, though, I know..but sounds like you have good docs helping you.
Ducky..how are things with you? Are you feeling any better? I sure hope the docs were able to give you some answers about your back.
Doing ok here, otherwise. Two of our boys are off traveling..I'm so jealous! One in New Mexico visiting friends, the other visiting a girl in Berlin, Germany, no less! He met her on-line over a year and a half ago, and they've been getting closer. They've been visiting back and forth, he even plans to bring her to our house for Thanskgiving. What can I say?? It's truly a global world I guess.
Well, almost halftime...better go put some order to this house so that the little ones can tear it up tomorrow lol..
Sweet dreams and hugs to all!