Hi there Shell
I'm so sorry this has turned into a nightmare.
I know it sounds ridiculous to say to stay calm, but dear Shell ,believe in being well and this positive attitude will work wonders. Deep breaths will bring fresh oxygen into the body and begin to heal. Happy endorphians also will make you recover rapidly.
Whatever it is , take a firm stand and think good things.
Think on the way you want to be. See yourself well and full of life and energy
Keep us posted on your recovery, won't you.
I also hate taking infusions. I need to be positive for my mabthera infusion tomorrow. This I have once, then again in 2 weeks time. This process is repeated in 6 months time. I have side effects of shingles and more recently eye problems. But I treat these and enjoy the freedom this drug has given me. I now have strength and stamina I haven't had for 10 years. I began this drug 15 mthhs ago. I have had 2 sessions and about to have my third.
All the best with your endevours
Love, hugs and prayers to you Shelly