Dear Ladywriter and golitho
Yes, that's what I do, dole out bits and pieces but mainly because I think people just wouldn't believe the whole amount - I mean apart from in here, who would?
And, golitho, that's exactly it - I don't want to be defined by my illnesses, my response is generally the brain works but the body doesn't, and this is precisely what studying permits me to do. Up at uni I fell like a 26 year old with a few visual probs and a mobility issue, whereas with people of my own chronological age i feel like a wasted heap of rubbish. I hate it when conversations turn into competitions about illnesses and fell like asking 'Do you want to phone a frined or will you take 50/50? It's no use asking the audience because they would all give negative answers too.
No, I'm a student, not a pensioner! Maybe I'm just in denial!
I so admire you, ladywriter, a recovered alcoholic for so long, that's quite a feat, you must feel so proud.
You know I've only been in here (sounds like a Jack Nicholson ward!) for less than a week but I'm finding it really helpful in that it helps me to let go and to listen to other people's probs and admire how they deal with them. I suppose we are all trying to fly either over the rainbow or over the cuckoo's nest