Hi Ladywriter...I'm sorry to hear about
your job situation. I read your post and your rheumy feels that your RA can be put into remission?? Did he explain exactly what that means? I have asked countless times of my own rheumy in desperation, if I will ever go into remission and he has said "no". I've been told that it is possible to get the symptoms under control, but there are only rare cases of a complete remission. RA is always there lurking no matter what, and I agree with nasa that you should probably think about
applying anyway, what can it hurt? As for drifting off when you shouldn't, I have also had this as well and there have been a few times I have pulled over to "rest my eyes", and those were the times without any use of sleeping meds or pain pill use.
As nasa mentioned it is true that we will never really know how we feel on any given day, and as the years have passed I know that the RA has progressed for me, even with meds. Now there are days when I just feel like I have the flu without the flu, and I'm always exhausted like I'm wading through quick sand. I know there are those days when you don't "feel that bad", we all have those, but please do what is best for you.
I wish you the best!