Hi Deejane, Im just about to start Remicade having been injecting myself with Humira for almost a year, which worked well on my lower back but not my feet/right ankle unfortunately. I'm also taking Mtx weekly and my specialist wants me to stay on that as well as Remicade as he said it's a good mix and may very well have some effect. I've read so many peoples accounts of Remicad and not come across one that's negative as yet! I'm hopeful that I may get some sort of normal life back really soon.
I have a bad right arm for viens and tend to use the left now although that's proving a problem, tell me do they put the needle in the hand or crease of elbow for the treatment?? Just a thought.
I couldn't help smiling when reading your meds list, I sometimes say to my husband that I could open up a chemist store. I used to be embarassed when collecting my meds in a carrier bag, now it doesn't bother me. We need them to help us live a good life.