I'm sorry no one has answered your post. Everyone responds differently to the MTX when first starting out. For me, I started out on 4 pills and the first month I was on them, it felt as if I had a bad case of the flu and I couldn't stay awake after I taking them. The best thing to do is start out slow and increase your dosage if possible, and please remember to stay hydrated (lots of water!!!) otherwise the MTX can make your joint pain feel wose, especially the day after your dose. Wear sunscreen, MTX is known to increase your sensitivity to the sun, and when I first started my dose, I remember sitting outside in a pair of jeans and I ended up with a sunburn on my legs, through my jeans. I'm fair skinned, but that was ridiculous even for me! I know the side effects are scary, I remember reading all of them quite a few times thinking how do people take these toxic things??? Now that I've been taking them for several years, and have gone off of them a time or two, I've learned that I can't manage my joint pain without them, so sometimes you have to way the pros and cons of a medication.
One that is really really good and I don't know if you have tried it, is Plaquenil. It does take a few months to work, but when it kicks in, it works wonders for both joint pain and fatigue. For whatever reason it affected my vision, and I had to stop taking it, but I highly recommend it. Especially if you find that your MTX isn't working as well as you hope.
The one thing I have learned with RA and medications, is that it is trial and error, it's really about trying different medications and finding what works and what doesn't. Try the MTX and see if it is right for you and if it isn't don't hesitate to let your rheumy know that you need to try something different.