Hi, I just had a weird experience....
Usually doing dishes in my house is always my job. I HATE doing dishes....would love a dishwasher but sadly cannot afford one and really have no space to put one anyway. So anyway as usuall I have put doing dishes off as long as I could and guilted myself into getting them done. Since my hands started hurting all the time the hot dish water is usually a soothing job that helps the hurt even though I am doing a job I hate. To the point that if we have company for dinner I never accept the generous offer of help from my guest doing the dishes, as doing dishes helps ease pain.
Well today I had dishes to do and put it off until this afternoon. I used same hot water temp as usual and decided to get to it.
But today doing dishes hurt, to hold even a plate in left hand to scrub with right hand hurt. Holding and scrubbing actually hurt to do, and needless to say I did some dishes then left the sink to do some other housework then returned to do some more holding scrubbing hurting dishes.
I never noticed before what I guess I usually take for granted pre-RA. Doing dishes is supposed to be a relatively easy even though dreaded, task. I do have a 7 year old who is absolutlely dying for me to allow him to do dishes, but I just dont want to make him yet, I am sure when he's a bit older I will probably get him to do it, but for now I want to do the 'mom' thing and let him do the 'enjoy being a kid' thing. Same as mopping my floors, pre-RA that was a generally easy task. Now dont get me wrong I still do dishes and housework and mopping but am finding that lotsa days it actually hurts to do this.
So basically I am just here to complain and rant that I want to be PRE-RA again. Where housework and dishes, and going for walks and playing with my children didnt hurt. When my sons didnt have to ask "do you hurt today mommy?" before they ask if I can play with them. I know pre-RA isnt possible now and I have to live with it, but I do wish my rhuemy would find the right concoction of meds to make me as pain free as possible.
Thanks for listening/reading. Hope everyone has a good day.
whiney and achey today TayIsa