I'm there too. I don't have the swelling either- and when i do by the time I can get in (weeks later) the swelling has gone down and I look like I made it up.
My rheumy called the pain w/o inflammation, centralized sensitization. I had never heard of it before. Anyway, he says that he sees a lot of clients who have pain well after the inflammation is under control. I would like to know if your rheumy will treat it with anything, because mine pretty much told me that the pain and fatigue left after the swelling and blood tests are normal is just part of the condition that I will have to learn to live with.
I should take pain meds to take the edge off, but not to try to drown it out because the effect will eventually wear away and I will only end up addicted to it. He started talking about a "chronic pain syndrome" where you throw more and more pain meds at the pain that eventually it doesn't work. (Ever see the show HOUSE? Think his vicodin addiction.)
I would like to get better news than that, and I am working on getting a 2nd opinion on the whole "can't treat that pain" thing.