Thanks Heather,yes almost Every drug i've had has caused problems from minor like Vomiting to more serious Hospitalisation so you tend to get very edgy and the Rhumy's that prescribe them don't suffer they just go home and after its all over strike of a pen well we won't give you that again
meanwhile we are puffing panting and been thru trauma
i was really bad today hands,hips,Back hurting, Ankle Aching and i looked at hubby and said reckon i'll start the Cimzia his answer- No.
so i'm making an appointment with a Dr i was told about next week he's a normal GP and also a Chinese Medicine & Naturopath so see what he has to offer. Ah the Dog is Fine by the way laying next to me looking all inocent ( she's a Huge German Shepherd) so she really hit hard. just seems like it is all falling down around me and each time i pick up one thing 10 more drop on me,and it's not just health other things are being a pain at same time bills car trouble etc in other words normal Life i really do try to keep positive i know it may not seem like it by my posts here but i try to all ways be positive to people around me and not Whinge or complain - too much - i guess thats one good thing about this site it dose give you a chance to say what you are actually feeling without fear of being judged or thought of as Not copeing.and the people here are basically going thru the same as well. So to All of You Good Luck Stay Positive But whinge when you need it.