I totally understand!
I have been blowing off my exercise and eating comfort foods because I am having a God-awful week at work. I fugure I have tio give myself a little break and give myself a little bit of time (my exercise period) to calm down and a couple of pieces of chocolate to soothe my soul.
I am very small so the least bit of alteration from my rigid 1200 cal diet and 30 mins. of exercise causes me to gain a few pounds which on my small frame looks like 10.
My waist band is already snug and I'm stressing but as soon as I can I'll pull back and get on track and it will all be OK.
As for you!
Prednisone eating is VERY hard to control. I couldn't when I was on it and gained a lot. Don't beat yourself up.
Plus you get muscle wasting and that causes you to have no stamina to exercise. Plus you aren't feeling well yet.
PLUS you have a baby which takes a lot of time and energy and made you gain extra weight while you were pregnant.
I say give yourself a BIG BREAK! Start feeling better before you worry too much about it. Try to eat right most of the time but not always.
I wish you all the best!