My Rheumie started me on 3 for 2 months and then 5... I have been taking 5 a week for 6 weeks and I'm stopping this week. I did well with the three, still had pain and swelling (etc) but after two weeks on the five - just a few minutes in the sun and I get bumps on my body - some itch, some don't, nothing will heal. I scratched a bug bite months ago on the 3 tabs - it's still a wound - my face is covered in lumps (which are zits that don't go away and you can't pop without tremendous bleeding (and non-healing) plus I'm 39 so zits have not been a problem ever before. I have no desire to do any of the things I would normally do. I hate this drug. It has stopped a lot of pain, but I'm not myself at all. I already did Plaquenil, it only worked for 6 months.... I hope you have better luck. I take my metho at night and usually throw up in my sleep (which wakes me up) 3-4 times a week. I can't sleep well anymore(even if I'm not throwing up), although I have meds for that - they can't counteract the methotrexate. I'm stopping it - there has to be something better for me - everyone is different and I wish you the best of luck... I'll post the "new" drug that my doc tries or let you know if he is mad that I'm finished with this treatment (can't call - he's on vacation).