I just went to the Rheumy this week for a regular visit and was complaining about
stiffness in my hands aand pain in several of my fingers, particularly in my thumbs. My fingers are hard to straghten, painfull to lay flat on a surface. When my hands are relaxed and least painfull they are curled nearly closed. When I wake up I have fingernail marks on my palms where my ring and pinky press into my hand. I have pain in the joint, but it is not particularly painful to the touch, so when the Rheumy squeezes the joint and asks me if that causes pain, I have to say no.
Except for my left thumb. When that one is touched it hurts, but she says that the pain is localized just below the joint, in the tendon. I don't remember injuring it at all, but that is what she asked about. I feel like the pain is in the joint. (the 2nd joint below the thumbnail)
Anyway, does the tendons stiffin up with progressing RA, causing the hands to curl in, or is this something totally diffrent to deal with?