Most of us here are on a lot of powerful prescript
ion medications. I'd like to solicit feedback on what works for people in addition to standard medical treatments for RA or similar conditions.
I'm a huge fan of therapeutic massage. When my doctor first suggested massage I thought she was CRAZY! I'm thinking, gee everything hurts all the time, yeah let's get a stranger to poke, prod and squeeze all my tender bits.
But I found a very good therapist that works with a lot of chronic pain patients. My first visit was very mild, she listened to me and avoided the worst joints and was very gentle. I kept seeing her and gradually I was able to handle more assertive/aggressive massage (which is still mild by healthy person standards). I didn't realize how badly my muscles were compensating for joints that wouldn't do their job and the massage was wonderful. It detoxifies the muscles and it's an hour of peaceful relaxation that does such good for the mind and body. I prefer to go in the evenings and I usually sleep better on those nights.
What do you do to keep sane, grounded and feeling as good as you can?