Thanks Susie, I will look it up. I suspect there are food allergies involved here and if I can control her behavior w/o medication, that would be awesome. My sister was misdiagnosed as a child and my folks were told to "ignore her, it's a phase and she'll grow out of it." By the time she was 15 she was a psychotic mess. A doctor diagnosed her with ADD, gave her meds, she slept for 3 days straights and woke up a new person. But, they have become her crutch and she never learned how to deal with life on her own. Sugar, however, WAS her enemy! My daughter was MUCH better last night and today....but, I feel I need to start preparing before the next "spell" hits.
So, I'm a little down today. Going to the doctor - good or bad - always depresses me. I couldn't sleep last night, my whole left side hurt, both hands and feet (fingers and toes the worst) were killing me. I met my new rhuemy. He seems nice, but wants to start at "square one" again. <sigh> he doesn't "buy" the last dx I was given. Wants me off Remicade and on Enbrel. So, I'm a month behind on infusions and have to wait until late August (after a 2 week camping trip we're supposed to be going on - yeah right, w/o meds???) to find out what is going on and what I'll be taking. I don't know if switching is the answer, yes I'm scared of needles and givin g myself a shot scares me - but I don't think that's my problem (yet!) The TNF blockers all cause the same problems with infections and such - I've been having such a problem for 6 months now, why would switching to a different one make any difference? The reasons I was put on Remicade instead of the others was to cover all the issues I have - I don't knwo if Enbrel will help anythign but the RA. Though the plaquinil is helping, he mentioned what I had read and that is it is not a good drug for the psorisis. He claims he is going to scour my chart and go from there. I'm sure, like with everyone else, by the time I see him he'll be singing a different tune and not remembering me at all.
I"m hurting bad today - but lack of sleep and depression are probably not helping. Today is my birthday. I am 35 now. That just didn't help with today - espeically since there was nothing special that happened otherwise today to perk me up or get me excited. I should have waited the extra week or two it would have taken to see him rather than having appt. today.
Is anyone on depression medication? Does that help if it's pain-induced depression or do I just have to deal with feeling of breaking down in front of my kids a couple of times a week?