Hi, i'm 20 years old, 21 in December and i'm literally scared to death of my JRA, it's okay to be scared, right? I was diagnosed when i was only one years old. I went through it till i was about
three. I went into remission ( bless the heavens) and have been running from it ever since, until now.
i am scared to death because i noticed more pains then I've had before. More stiffness. more and more sore joints, sore to the touch. i have bunions. FRICKING bunions.I've never worn heals in my whole life. my hands hurt so bad. every day. every time i stand up i'm stiff, even more so in the morning.
I now have TMJ in my jaw, which can be caused by RA. I've had to flare up's of pleurisy, which RA can cause. And that's what the doctors said caused those. I have muscle craps and all.
I wanna be told it's okay. that my future is perfect, pain free. that i can plan it worry free. to be able to have kids and play with them, with no pain. to tie their shoes. and zip their coats. to do the same for my future grand kids. to bake them
cookies. to kiss their boo boo's.
i don't want to sleep all day. and be crippled. i want to have a choice. to be able to have a LIFE. anytime i think about
it i cry. i am SCARED TO DEATH.
so please any info. or experiences with this will help. tell me what you go through. what you went through. what you are going through.