Michaela, did any of your Drs. think you had rheumatic fever from the strep? You can have post streptococcal issues. Did any of the Drs. think this might go away in time?
I've had several health issues in the past 7 years. I had a rare form of colitis called diverticular colitis that was "cured" by surgery. However, around the same time I got a skin form of scleroderma called morphea and also joint pain!! Well I then developed swelling in my hands and pain, along with other joint pain and fatigue plaged me all ths time as well. So, a rheumy told me he thought I had seronegative RA. I took plaquenil but stopped it but started back on it this week. I actually think it's working already, even though it's too soon.
Anyway, to the gluten. Back in the fall, I went gluten free and it really helped the swelling in my hands, until recently. LOL. I've had a bad flare. It's worth a try. Go to Whole Foods or another organic grocer and you can find all kinds of gluten free stuff. You can find pasta made out of rice or corn (I prefer the corn) or even bean pasta! It's not too bad. I love my Millet Bread, it makes the best toast.
It seems auto immune diseases are tricky to diagnose but they can sure make us pretty miserable. Fatigue and pain are tough.
I hope you get some answers and relief soon Michaela. Don't be afraid to seek a 2nd opinion. If there is a center of excellence or a teaching hospital near you, you might try them. Mayo, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, etc....