I have not been on in awhile and hope some remember me. I had the two brain Annie's and the friend with breast cancer Julie. Well Oct after two rounds of Remicade I had to stop due to cost. The out of pocket was over the top and they would not admit to a cost mistake of $5000. Well after me calling Medicare they said they (billing at infusion center) found a mistake. So Jan 19th I started treatment again and go back she said in 5 weeks. At first she said 8 weeks but I'm already in pain now. I'm not taking the Metho any more because it makes me sick and the hair loss was to much. I also was told I have Fibromyalgia now..YEA!!
Well on top of it all been under great stress for the last two months. My friend Julie died Jan 14th after a long fight with this cancer. I got to a visit from her Dec. 23rd and so happy I got to hug her. I'm now dealing with depression but also got new insurance that covers the Remicade drug,all of it!! It goes with Medicare as an $80.00 add on and covers all dr. visits for a $20 co-pay for the infusions. Okay question??? Does anyone have skin problems like breck out's from these meds?? My hair and skin are a mess
I'm so white where my skin was olive and want a tan to try and feel like me (don't think I could lay and get up from a tanning bed). Not sure what tanning bed will do to my skin?? But I can't stand myself...Thanks for any feedback. Also for the depression Dr. want's me to join RA online groups,chats or phone to help me with dealing with the RA where people will understand. Not sure how the chat works on here...
Much love to all...