I havent been on this site for a while. Sorry.
Been trying to stay offline as best I could cause I am pretty busy lately with a few more hours at work,and my kids always keep me busy.
I have a problem though .... have any of you been told by your doctors to meditate? and that mindfullness is the "Key" to stopping your pain? I had an appointment with my family doctor today to (what I thought) was to get a renewal on my T3 prescript
ion as I am hurting alot more lately. Busier,alot more walking, alot colder weather etc. Well she basically said she will renew it (she did but cut it back to almost nothing enough that what she did give me is a joke) but that she wants me to meditate. AND she is weaning me off my arthritis meds. First one then another till she takes them all away.... I am so worried cause when I go without them (which I have done recently due to no money to buy them) I hurt more! She basically told me the pain is ALL in my head and if i could just convince myself i dont hurt i wont need any medication, less is more. she said that "less is more" i am so mad, and hurt,and scared. Now what? I went to get help dealing with current pain and shes cutting me off everything!! and telling me to meditate....im sorry but if i could think myself well do you not think I would....i would have thought it over and over and over i mean who wants to be in constant agony, and not be able to do things with your children,and always be tired.
has any of your doctors done this to you? told you to meditate and began taking away all your medication with the intent of taking you off all of it forever? cause its all in your head?
Sorry this is so long and stupid but im at a loss....i couldnt even argue with her because iwas dumbfounded...hurt and angry!! I am not making this up I promise! now to get someone to believe me :(