Last summer I had the kids to the park all the time. I sat under a tree, with a big hat, large sunglasses, long sleeves, SPF50 sunscreen, and Capri's on. I read books while my kids played on the playground nearby. I did OK as long I moved with the shade. If I got in the sun at all it zapped me. I've had other parents at the park make comments about
how I don't participate in the play and that I don't watch them carefully enough. (I call them "hover parents")
The only part of my skin that really shows when I go out is my neck and my cheeks under my sunglasses. Now I have a large red patch on my face under the sunglasses and on my chest. I look sunburned all the time and it gets worse with just a touch of sun. It stuck around even in the winter, and because of the shape of my sunglasses it looks like a large butterfly wedge on my face.
This summer I can get sunburned in the shade, with sunscreen on within an hour. After reading what you guys wrote I think some of the nausea that has plagued me lately may be due to me running errands in the sun rather than the fact that I an out running errands.
I also feel like ANY direct sun exposure is searing my skin the moment I step into the sun. Even through my jeans after a while.
I was recently moved from 25mg weekly to 22.5mg weekly and lately the fatigue, nausea and malaise for 2 days after dosage has been even worse than usual. I wonder if the summer has anything to do with it?