Whoa, my thoughts on knee replacement? Last week, if someone had given me the equipment to do the surgery...I'de have done it myself! When my knee pain gets to the point where I don't sleep and really cannot do much of anything...yeah, I would absolutely at this point in my life have it done in a heart beat.
Problem is, I don't hink ANY doctor would agree to it. I'm 25...and people in their 40's get rejected and are told to wait till they're 50. And I do have cartiladge still in my joints. So I think I do not fit as a candidate for it...but no, I've never discussed it with any MD.
A woman who's a friend of my boyfriend's family basically has the exact situation I live. She's in her 40's now...but she had RA for many years, untreated, same story as mine...and she ended up having TKR surgery in her 20's. And she's done great thereafter.
I'm petrified. I really am.
I never planned for this to happen. And all that has happenned has interfered and pretty much ruined much of school, college, work, my career. And the future? Never even had a chance to get a running start.
So staying positive? Perhaps it's wishful thinking or a defense mechanism keeping me from becomming too depressed.
All I know is that I don't want to be disabled and I really do not like how I am right now. Had a totally different picture of what my life would be like at this time 10 years ago.
I suppose everyone feels the same at one point or another.
Call it a strong spirit or strong willed...or stubborn.
Everyday I just keep reminding myself that it has to get better than this.
Nice reality check eh?
BTW: knees are still the same. keeping them on ice still; easier to walk a bit; can't stand on them longer than a few minutes. Hoping for a better tomorrow.