Just a BIG heads-up to 3kidsmom about the Lymes Disease.
That's what caused "all of this".
At 13 I contracted Lymes; didn't know it. Joint pain, fevers, fatigue, passing out...etc. Doctor's dismissed my complaints for YEARS even though I had abnormal blood work. (elevated WBCs, weird IgG's and IgM's...) also began to test + for RA at age 16 and THAT was dismissed too as "genetic"
At age 20 my PCP tested for EVERYTHING. Saw a very good specialist. The Lymes had actually mutated several times, the CDC did DNA analyses on my biopsies and blood. Found out that I had had it for at least a decade. And the bacteria, left untreated...caused a mess of autoimmune disorders and the worst the RA.
So if Lymes is under suspicion, do have ALL the correct tests done. Not just the ELISA test but Western Blot and specific assays as well. Even if it calls for a spinal tap...do it. (Not pleasant, but if it hits the nail on the head it's worth it). Now, I'de never have ANOTHER ONE done in my life! But I am very glad I had a spinal when I did.
Take good care.