hi el- i hope you are feeling better....as a side note to all of this, i too, smoked for about8 yrs on and off and then gave it up for good ten years ago at aged 40.
i was told that after 10 years the lungs should be clear as if you never smoked....but i was also told that you can still develope lung cancer WAY after you quit if you ever smoked...this scares me because my auntie died of lung cancer in her 70's after she smoked when she was young and then quit in her 40's also...it hit her and it killed her...so we in our ignorant knowledge and being conned by the tobacco people ( in the 60's was the fist ever warning on a pack of coigs taht it was bad for you,) got suckered into a bad habit for which at some point ion the future we may have to pay...i wished i never smoked at all.
i told my kid i would spank him if i ever caught him smoking and he is 21. he told me he thought it stank and would never do it or even wanted to try it and wondered why i ever did it ( when he was 5 i used to smoke a few a day but then quit when he was 10 for good) i told him i did it b/c at that time during the 60-70's my mom did it my dad did it and it was around all the time and it was a posh thing to do.
if we look back in time at the old movies, all you see is betty davis smoking and drinking, all the men were smoking and drinking back then and it was shown in the movies to be okay thing to do.
well in the 70's it was found out to be not so good of a thing to do and a stupid thing to do. nobody lobbied against the big tobacco company b/c they were too big and powerful and strong. but the fall out from people dying from all kinds of cancers associated to smoking were beginnign to creep up as folks wised up found out how bad it is for you, then the big tobacco companies began to take some responsibility for there marketing towards little kids and own up to the fact that smoking is an awful thing to do and no one in the right minds who knew what they were doingto their bodies would continue on with it ....and how nicotine is habit forming and a drug in and of itself which to my mind should be banned, i think all tobacco products should be banned altogether....the indians gave us tobacco and we gave them booze.....so for every drinken indian lots of white folks died from smoking and cancer/like illnesses... sorry i got on this tangent but i reget ever having smoked a day in my life and wished i had parents that didnt do it either, b/c they were my role models when i was young so monkey see, monkey do as a child.....