dear ubob,
my rule of thumb is NEVER WAIT WITH KIDS. ok, i don't know your daughters full health history so i will give you every intervention i know:
- 1st report this incident to the RN, MD or pediatrician or school nurse that gave the shot.
- have them identify & attain the vial that the injection was drawn from (they have it! b/c it's written on the chart of administration: from what vial of HepB vaccine the med came from)
- get written documentation if neccesary.
- have them give you the amount of vaccine admisnistered or better yet...get a copy of it! for legal reasons and medical evidence.
- have your daughter assessed again by her MD.
- repeat any blood labs if ordered by her MD
- check her for fevers!
- seek an infectious disease pediatrician if symptoms do not go away.
- do you know if in fact, your daughter had HepB? or an active case of it?
this might just be as simple as an adverse side effect and may be normal. w/ vaccines it is sometimes normal to display "illness" afterwards and it subsides after a week or 2.
but can never be too safe with kids. i would definitely see an infectious disease doc if it gets worse or it doesn't get better.
*again, touch base w/ her pediatrician, get her opinion on what to do next (she knows what's best) talk to Dr.s about this.
*and get the name, report of exactly what was injected!it should be times/dated/ initials of who gave it/expiration date/amount given.... medical mistakes DO HAPPEN! and need to be addressed.
be safe, take care. be on top of the MDs on this!
erin (i wish you the best. i hope your daughter is ok & you get to the bottom of this)