hi ducky it is 3 am here in fl and i cant slepp eitehr in spite of taking xanax 1mg, 1-2 ambiern cr tabs, and norco to boot.
last nov i had a eeg-qeeg test done on my brain to find out something-all they said was that i was prone to seziures but said b/c of a mild head concussion i had from my crash in 02'
since then i cant sleep i have day night mixed also.
they throw pills a at you but dont tell you why or another way to train youreself to reverse it al if it can be reversed.
i been livng like this for a long time.
now i am on 30 mg cymbalta whoich is helping alttile of the of the pain part but gives me headaches and insomina
so round and round we go where we get off nobody knows....merry go round here it sucks..i am with you all the ay. and i am scared of taking one of those slep tests b/c i dont want them to tell me i got a brain tumor or something crazy like this, so i try to live with it some how, also it helps taht my husband snores and i cant stand taht