Okay, if he's having extreme pain...he has the option of going to the ER where they could administer IV Colchicine.
Don't let him have aspirin or Excedrin. Narcotics and aspirin free NSAIDs work best for the Gout pain.
Have him increase his fluid intake to at least 3 Liters per day or around that. This will preventthe risk of developing kidney stones related to any meds he's already on for Gout.
Bedrest is ideal because any stressful or demanding activity can aggrevate & prolong this attack.
Be sure to keep the bed linens off of his feet.
Any citrus fruits/pure juices/extracts from citrus or cherries is great.
But if he's really truly suffering & cannot stand it...the ER might be a good idea for powerful meds to at least make him comfortable.
Take care.