whoa this is SCAREY!
1st hand, personal encounter myself? MANY M.D.s DO NOT EVEN KNOW A DRUG CALLED ENBREL/HUMIRA/ORENCIA/REMICADE!!!!! This is alarming...so, as the responsible people we are, I think we all should make sure that our primary MDs are aware of exactly WHAT these TNF inhibitor drugs are! and I feel that we should know that THEY know! whew. so many times i've had just a regular internal med doc ask, "what's that?"
but the rule of thumb is : if you have a fever (...over 99.0 even...) hold the injection & call the rheummy. it's dangerous DANGEROUS to take the TNF injections or Remicade or TNF infusions while febrile.
so you're doing the right thing by holding the shot.
from experience with working with TB patients...the only clear cut way to DX & rule out TB is through a sputum culture; actually 2 negative ones is conclusive for a defiitive - diagnoses. would your pulmie go that far? probably not if he doesn't even suspect TB or a reactivation of it. but perhaps its worth while? have you ever had a biopsie of the tissue in the lungs?
have you any cough that's rusty/blood tinged spit that comes up???? weight loss???
geesh El, somethin's cookin' in ya hon! hopefully the AX you are on is a brooad spectrum one that will cover & kill mostly everything. perhaps this will clear after the AX are finished! hope so. if not??? seems like we might have to dig further.
i mean, it is common & pretty benign to become a person who has chronic sinus issues due to the meds for AI diseases...but the constant temps you have & chills are worrisome to me.
so much to keep on having dumped onto your plate i know. you don't need anything extra.
who do you see next? i'll pray that your antibiotics do a world of good for what's going on inside. {{{{{{{{{{{big BIG hug }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} my hugs work. ;)