Hi there,
I am not sure if what I have is arthritis and I know I can only know for sure by visiting a doctor, but your feedback will help my decision.
about 2 months ago I had pain/discomfort in my left thumb where it meets my hand. It was difficult to type and I would call the pain more like a stiff weakness feeling. It went away after a day.
Last week I had the thumb pain in both of my hands, at the base and the next joint up for 2 days. Again, more like a weak/tight feeling that lasted through out the day.
2 days ago both my hands, thumbs and wrist feel this weird tight/weak feeling that on a pain scale would be a 3 out of 10, not excrutiating. I have noticed some involuntary movement of my fingers/thumb and I would say the discomfort lies mostly in joint areas but the tops of my hands feel weak as well. It almost feels like my fingers want to go towards my hand, its a really weird sensation.
I am 32 years old, female, good health except for fatigue. I have always been a tired/stressed person. I have also been twitching in my eyes, getting toe cramps and having twitching in other parts of my body but I have always attributed that to my stressful nature.
I have no idea if my joints are swollen as I never really looked at mine before. I can say that my index and middle finger joints where they meet my hand are at least twice as large as my ring finger/pinky joint...but that may be totally normal.
Does this sound like arthritis?