thank you Erin, Craig and Elcamino. I just read your notes to my husband, I am in the right place, I hope I am able to help others as you are helping me. It sounds like I need to just accept my need for the pain meds and concentrate on rest and exercise. I have made it on the exercise bike two times for 10 minutes. No goals that I can't reach, trying to ride 10 min every other day, of course you all know this is so much more than 10 minutes, it's the getting there and back...shower, half a days work.
Craig, you'r story, very inspiring and real at the same time. So sincere, I guess we need it to be okay to feel sorry for ourselves every now and then, just not drown in it.
Okay, I get to start remicade friday morning and I can't wait! My doc gave me a script of prednisone 100# 5mg just so I always have it on hand and can self dose up if need be, so it sounds like I'm on the right track. I do think i have a good team of docs.
I went to a nuritionist yesterday, thought i'd pass along what he suggested for me:
EPA-DHA 6:1 2000mg/day, the effects of NSaid's counteract this somewhat, blocking both the good and the bad prostoglandins, which is where the cardiovascular complications come in heavily, but every little bit helps.
Kaprex Al (combo of vit D 500, zinc, and selenium) 3/day. He suggested a 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 blood test. Evidently a percentage of you and I are greately lacking in that area and it is one thing we can suppliment.
Pro-Biotics (the good bacteria for the gut)
Ultra-inflamx (a anti-inflam drink) Not for the rest of my life, but helpful in the flares.
All of these are Metagenics products, I know there are a million different brands. This one you'll have to get from the pharmacist (some pharmacies have it behind the counter) or a dr's office. Out of all of the reps and brands that came my way while i was treating patients, this company seemed to be well policed, and ethical. It at least is one of a handfull that "self police" for the validity of their contents. Sorry, that's the Chiro in me, sometimes it comes out. Really, I just can't have a diet of hot fudge sundae's, which the steroiods sure are not helping with. At some point it's just like Craig said, taking responsibility and not giving up.
I thought he was reasonable in not making any crazy claims, just try to reduce the inflammation in my body and give my body as much immune support as possible in conjunction with my medical scripts and treatment.
Me and my hubby have a trip to cancun scheduled in 4 weeks (has been scheduled for a very long time) I'm going to go and I'm going to feel as good as possible, even if it's feeling good in my mind!
You know today has been just one of those bad pain days that you wish wouldn't happen and I wasn't going to even look on the computer, but I am glad i did.
I don't want to just pull from others and not give back, so if I can help anyone at all please let me!
I'll let you guys know how Friday goes!