sorry you having such a bad time. I have AS and up until end of Jan, i was in agony. I can't begin to tell you how down i was and life was so painful, no matter what i did it hurt; sit, stand, lay down, breath. I was able to sleep for no more than an hour at a time and that was when about
half an hour after i took my cocktail of painkillers (tramadol, 100mg diazapam 10mg and paracetomol 1000mg/co proxamol). they never took my pain away, just took the edge off for about
45 minutes and made me drowsy enough to fall asleep thro the pain. I'm 25 and could not imagine how my life was going to be, i had to move back home with my folks and kept a phone by my bed cos i had to call my mum to get me out of bed in the night if i needed the toilet.
(i wasn't even diagnosed at this point!)
Anyway, i started remicade (for my crohns which was bad) and within DAYS my back pain had gone completely....not a single twinge!! I wasn't expecting it to help but it was like a miracle drug.
I'm due for my next infusion in a week and the pain is creeping back....not nearly as bad as it was. Remicade has given me my life back and although there can be side effects, i have none.
I'm so grateful for this drug and would recommend it to anyone!
ps: i am HLA B-27 positive