I weaned of the Pred. in 2 weeks. There was a few days that I was very stiff and in pain. The only joints that were visibly red were my big toes but wrists, hips, neck and one knee all stiff and painful. I thought about
calling the Doc but the last thing he said was "I want to see you when you are totally off the Pred. And not to worry if you have stiffness and pain you can go back on the Pred." I don't want to go back on it! It makes my BP go up and I feel really jittery. After 5 weeks on the Pred. My Sed rate went down to normal. I see him next Tuesday. I have decided to give him one more chance before I go to another Rhuemy. It has been 3+ months and this is as far as we have gotten.
There is a research study advertised in my local paper recruiting people for a anti inflammatory diet trial. It is sponsor by the Oregon Health Science University and a National College of Natural Medicine. Has anyone tried this or involved in the study. I meet the profile and left my name and #. They provide your food and it only lasts 6 weeks. Sounds interesting.
I thank everyone for your advice as I don't want to discuss the with my friends who don't really understand. We all have very busy lives so they don't know how badly i have been feeling. I do have one coworker with PS arthritis but I don't have the rashes that she has. She says its time for me to move on to a new Rheumy. Hopefullu I hope someday I can help someone else as you'll have helped me.