Hey Guys..
When I first got diagnosed with arthritis, my rheumy said, "We're going to start you on Enbrel.. would you like an anti-depressant?" I thought, "What?.. Why?" And he said, that a lot of people with chronic pain issues are on anti-depressants, for a couple different reasons.. like Boo said, one, it can help with the pain.. and two, it helps us deal with everything better..
I never realized how much my arthritis was really taking it's toll on me until my kids would say, "Mommy, can we go play, or do you hurt too much?" That hit me like a ton of bricks.. and I decided from that day, NO MORE. I refuse to let this disease run or ruin me..
The thing with arthritis, is you have to stay active.. to keep your range of mobility.. to keep the blood flowing in you.. and to help build the muscles around those joints that ache so bad... It's a vicious cycle.. once we feel the pain, we don't want to be active 'cause it hurts.. but all that does is lead to more pain.. and like you said Gladys more depression.. it's a downward spiral..
Talk to your rheumy.. talk to him/her about an anti-depressant that is right for you.. A friend of mine has Fibro, and her rheumy just put her on Lexapro.. She was devasted.. she said, "But I'm not depressed!" But once she took a step back and looked at all that she was dealing with in her life, she realized she had a lot on her plate, and no she may not have had "clinical depression" but she was definately stressed and over-taxed.. Low Serotonin levels, can lead to a lot of aggressive and angry behaviors.. depression being one of them.. taking a SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) helps to replace some of that serotonin, therefore helping you with the depression... among other things..
Good luck to you all.. talk to your docs.. there is help out there.. and if all else fails, come here.. we'll be here for ya!