I am going to a new rheumy and I need suggestions for questions I may not think to ask. I have had the RA and ANA tests done (neg) and the inflammation tests done (neg). by my first rheumy. I hope this one can figure out joint pain without inflammation. I need HELP! Has anyone on this board been given a diagnosis with this type of symptoms? Any tests I should make sure she does?
I have also been trying to find the source of my upper abd pain since Jan. The joint pain started in May. I am Vit D deficient. Tested pos for Chron's on the Promethius test but nothing ever showed up on scopes or pill cam. My hands and feet get hot when they hurt bad. JOints are tender to touch, so I don't feel like this is just muscle pain. I have also had an unintentional wt loss of about 25 lbs since feb this year
Thanks for any ideas