Hello everyone
I normally don't post on here so I hope you don't mind me popping in to ask a few questions? I'm trying to determine if what I am experiencing sounds like possible arthritis to you. I tried researching arthritis but it's all so confusing since from what I understand there are over 100 forms of it?? I have Ulcerative Colitis, which is also notorious for causing joint pains, but what I am experiencing is not normal for typical Uc pains.
A little history: I have been to the doctors numerous times for hip and spine pain. I found that I have 3 twisted vertebrae - it sounds like corn popping when I turn certain ways or stand up from bending down because I can literally feel my spine snapping back into position. I have gone to physical therapy in the past to help strengthen my back muscles and to help ease the pain which only marginally helped. Next step, according to the doc, was to have epidural shots in my spine to help with the pain. Anyway, lately (probably for the past month or so) I have been having increased pain in my hip joints closer to my tailbone/spine area. It hurts sometimes when I walk, stand for long periods (hurts all the time), or turn a certain way (sometimes), do a lot of bending (hurts all the time). Sometimes in the past, I would get the same feeling when I would start my periods but 10x's worse - it felt like someone was taking hot pokers and jabbing me in my hips! But after a few days on my period, the pain would stop.
My doctor, according to her logic, doesn't believe in doing MRI/CAT scans because to her they are nothing more then a road map for a surgeon. So I don't know if I have arthritis or not and my doc won't give me a concrete answer. But if in the event I do have some form of it, is there anything they can even do to help it? Does arthritis show up on an Xray?
Sorry this is long winded but I'm just confused as to what the hip pains could mean. And truthfully, I'm getting a bit frustrated with my doctor. She's a great doc but not very helpful when it comes to this. She just sends me out for physical therapy but won't provide any proof of what I have - thank you for any answers you can provide.