Thanks all for your words.
I'm really in a quandry over all of this. If I could (wouldn't we all), I'd just stop the med's altogether, but knowing what would happen if I did stops me. I'm scared now of continuing on the other med's, of having another reaction.
I just don't know what to do. I will be seeing my rheumy on Wednesday and we're going to discuss a new plan of action. Probably will try the Humira before anything else. Not sure I want to pursue infusions right now.
Theresa, yes, that's what it is. That's a lot of pre-meds you have to take before the infusion -- I'm just not sure I want to have to deal with that and the medicine itself. The way my rheumy explained it rather put me off -- of course, I felt that way about
MTX in the beginning as well. We're looking at that last (my feeling anyway).
I'm still feeling wiped out from yesterday and I got so little sleep last night (stupid steroid shot).
Thanks again...
Yally, how are you doing by the way?