I am 23 years old I was diagnosed with RA just 3 or so years ago. It has gotten unsteadily worse but still worse. It went into remission at 3 months preg with my first then it paid me back big time for the next 6 months until I finally gave up breast feeding so I could take my first real medication...Enbrel. Which worked wonderfully, I got pregnant on Enbrel and once I found out I stopped taking it. So now I've been on nothing and I'm 4 months pregnant with number 2 and not seeing that remission. I am wondering what people do when they're pregnant? What do you take? It seems like nothing is safe. I know the docs say weigh the benefit vs the risk. I'd honestly rather suffer through the pain than give my baby a defect of some sort it I could prevent it ya know? I've had to take prednisone a couple times because of flares but that's about all. Any input? How do you women have families and RA? I wonder if I shouldnt have more kids because of the damage I'm doing to myself by not being on meds durring the pregnancies and in between. Can anyone shed some light on me?