Hello i am sorta new to the arthritus forum, not new to healing well, i know i have arthritus in my knees, and both have had operations to help. Im 39, I have known I had arthritus in my back to, but not to what degree , i need help intpreteing my report which says severe facet arthropathy at the L4-L5level with prominent vacuum phenomenon. My docotor doesnt know i went i got my own report and copy of cd of my ct. My PM doc just looked surprised and said umm severe on both sides kinda in a suprised tone, and put me on zaniflex , this in addition to tthe loratab 7.5 twicw aday which aint cutting it, and phenergan, i get nasuea alot from a gastro disease I have.
It does say the L-4-L5 and S-1 levels compatible with changes of Degenerative Disc Disease.
Ok I know i hurt real bad, sometimes very difficult walk, i do my stretches every night to remain limber.
I want to know how fast does DDD progress, I know everyone discs degenerate. But this reports is saying there is a severe change fromlast year, is it gonna severly change like this every year.
I can feeel the changes too. what is prominent vacuum phenomenon and severe facet arthropathy
I have had facet injections, and they did not help.
Please help translate, thank you in advance.