I've been gone for the last several days. My internet went down and I felt lost and disconnected. On thursday I go to spend the weekend on the lake and I won't have internet there either. (what will I do?)
I feel a lot better than I did the last time I posted. I got up the nerve to start the methotrexate last week, and I take my 2nd dose tonight. I took my last unit math exam today and my final exam is Thursday AM before I leave for the lake.
I will be tent camping, and the more that I think about being up there the more I wish that I could back out of it. All of the family from the surrounding area will be there, and it is one of the biggest family gatherings of the summer. I still have some knee and hand/wrist pain, expecialy when I am out in the humidity. At home I can hide in the AC, camping I am just stuck.
My husband has offered to have me drop my class next semester and just focus on the house, kids and gym. It would give me 6 months to "rest" by not including classwork on top of these things. He wonders if I would like to just stop going to school for the degree and transition to a homemaker and stay a single income family. On one hand I think that it would be wonderful to stay with the kids, do more with them, volunteer at the church and hve and easier time than trying to do all of it on top of going to school and then holding down a job. The meds leave me with less energy, so I would need to focus on what's important, right?
On the other hand, I have always strove for a career. I have never considered staying home. I used to be the main breadwinner before I started school. I have always pushed hard. Each stage of my life has had me work a little harder, push a little more, than the stage before. Doing something because it is a little easier, might give me more time, seems like backing down. it tastes a bit like failure.
My firends say I should do it for my health and that if I am going to continue to have flairs, (or even just bad days) that make me have to take time away or even send me to bed I sould have a lifestule that doesn't have me dropping out of work or school for a week at a time because of it.
I dropped my class, so now I am just dealing with the second guessing of the desision that I have already made.
Abyway, speaking of eating a lot- I have found that I have the MUNCHIES on the prednisone. I have already gained weight on my waistline- I don't even want to go near the scale. I got some healthy snacks in the house, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm afraid to give up the prednisone in 6 weeks, but I'm afraid of what size I will be by then!