Oh Loni,
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. I was diagnosed with pre-osteoporosis about 5 years ago. I was 29!! After taking Didrocal for the last 6 or so years, I'm back to normal! My bone metabolizer is a daily pill. No stomach upset. So, have faith! This medication might bring you right back out of it, or at least stop the progression and maybe turn it back. You're so young, and your body will have an easier time healing itself.
Are you on calcium and vitamin D? My bone cocktail is 2000mg of calcium daily, Didrocal, 1400mg of Vitamin D. It's working great so far. just need blood tests every now and then to make sure the calcium and vitamin D isn't building up in my system.
It's okay to be down about this. It's big stuff.