Thanks for your help, I appreciate your input. The Humira was working great for me the first 3 months then I began getting sick quite often, 1 time it lead to pnuemonia, which was pretty scarey. After taking humira injections 2 X a month for 6 months, the humira started wearing off earlier and earlier every time. I was still showing signs of joint damage in the hands and feet. So my Rhuemy recommended that I give Remicade a try. I had a reaction to MTX and plaquenil wasn't working so the rhuemy wants me to be on Arava in combo with the remicade. I am scared of the hair loss with the arava, I am hoping it doesn't happen but am hearing a lot of people on it experience some form of hair loss. Did your hair grow back in normaly once you were off the Arava? and how is your white cell count since being off the arava? wishing you the best in health! Melissa