I have applied for SSD and was approved. The SS office told me to apply for both and that SSI was easier to get - this is not true.. SSI is for the very poor so if you are married (as I am) and have any kind of income you will most likely be denied. SSD on the other hand is for anyone who has a disabling condition and can not work or work a full time job. Speak with a SSD attorney if possible, I was given advice over the phone. The main thing to remember when filling out the paperwork is DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTION UNANSWERED. Put N/A or none if the question does not apply, but answer the question. I've been told they will throw your application away if you don't. You must be disabled for a complete five months so you may not be able to receive payment for several months but apply ASAP, it takes time for SS to make a decision. Have a complete list of all doctors, clinics and hospitals along with the addresses and phone numbers. They will request copies of all medical records (you will have to sign a HIPPA form giving them permission). This takes the longest as doctors etc. are sometimes slow to reply. If you have copies offer to send them. If your caseworker is having trouble getting any records go get them for her/him and fax them; this will expedite your case. Once all medical records are received they are given to a SS doctor for evaluation. I have RA, degeneratve disc disease, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure along with several other health problems. I also had major back surgery and am still in pain and therapy after five months.
If you are denied for SSD, I would recommend hiring a SS Attorney to appeal for you. They only get paid if your case is approved and according to what I read get only a set amount. Your payments are retroactive back to the date of your first application so you may receive a large first time payment. Do not think you cannot afford an attorney, if you cannot work you can't afford to lose.
I hope this helps you some - I was told 99% of people are denied the first time they apply and its usually because the paperwork is not properly completed. So, make sure you take your time, read all the instructions and if contacted by your caseworker work with them. Mine was very nice and helpful; I hope yours will be as well. Don't get discouraged if this takes 2-4 months or longer. Mine took 4 months and I was getting very depressed, then I received the notice of approval. I've not received payment yet but should next month.
Sorry for the length but felt a full explanation wouldl be more helpful Best of luck to you.