Just wanted to give you hope. I was diagnosed w/RA when I was 13 (now 50). My disease disappeared as fast as it started when I was about 35 yrs old. I was on gold injections, steroid injections, mass doses of asprin and other things I don't remember. Finally I started falling apart on the outside from the drugs. My Rheumatologist weaned me off meds onto Methotrexate which is the last medication I took for RA. I became pregnant when I was 22 and my dr advised me to stay on all meds, however I felt great with no signs of RA during the 9 mo pregnancy which was normal and I had a healthy baby girl. They wanted to run all sorts of tests on her when she was born to see how the meds might have effected her but her father & I said no. I hope your arthritis stops also. I have no problems w/RA now. I have epilepsy now, but that is not as bad as RA, the meds for e. are not as bad for you as the meds for RA. God has been good to me. There is a verse in Psalm that says "It is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn your statutes." That's how I feel. Also, I've become more compassionate and able to help more people.