awwwww {{{{{{Lynny}}}}}}
I'm so sorry you have so much on your plate right now and a husband that doesn't understand. I've got one just like him.
When my dad passed away I was devastated- he was my hero. I had to travel to FL alone to be with him and my mom and I held his hand as he died.....
Well 2 months later I was still crying from time to time when I thought of him and that aggravated my husband. Why are you crying he asked? My dad died-I miss him I said. That's over he told me!
But back to you- I've only been in this for a little over 2 years but I have felt misunderstood over and over again and I have come to the conclusion that people that don't have RA will never get it! You said it yourself you don't even know what's happening to your body from moment to can someone who doesn't experience this craziness understand it? That's why I come to these support groups now. WE UNDERSTAND! Don't get me wrong I think a spouse should be supportive unconditionally- if we say we don't feel well and we are overwhelmed they should just believe us and give us a hug and maybe give us a hand with what we need. Unfortunately we are not all so lucky to have people like that.
That said- I want to say take care of yourself. If you are tired-rest no matter what your husband says about it. If he balks remind him that your immune system is constantly attacking your body- it's as if you are constantly fighting a flu- does he know what it feels like to be coming down with something? That's how we feel. MTX causes fatigue too.
You are not over reacting and I really feel for you - it's a shame that at 24 you have to be feeling so crappy when you should have vibrance! I resent it at 49! Before RA I felt like I was 25- no lie! I bounced out of bed every morning- never an ache or pain! RA stinks big time.
You just come here and tell us all about it Lynny- we're here for you!
Prayers for your grandpop- enjoy what time you have with him-I'm sure he knows you love him very much!