Hi, I see my rheumy tomorrow for a checkup- my pain is getting bad again. I am wondering what is a good way to be diplomatic about
bringing up stronger pain meds. I am taking Plaquenil and Lyrica (for RA and fibro respectively), and we have tried several prescript
ion NSAIDs. They either work for a couple days and then stop, or give me terrible intestinal issues and don't work, etc. I don't ever bother with OTC NSAIDs because they don't work either. I tried Tramadol and that worked for a couple weeks (and it was an amaxing couple of pain-free weeks!) and then stopped working. I am allergic to Sulfa, so I can't take anything that has sulfa in it. I have high blood pressure which I take medication for, so I have to be careful about
that too.
My question is, do I have to go through the list of every single NSAID to hopefully find one that works? Is it just depending on your individual doc and what their stance is on giving out different levels of pain meds? I don't want to seems like I am drug-seeking, but I took Percocet last year when I broke my arm, and it helped with all my pain-I had no fibro pains while I was healing from that! I don't know if I would even have to use it every day, just if I was having a flare I guess. I am just tired of living with this pain, it's a low-level pain, but then more pain will come along and kick my butt. And I have nothing to help me get through that except taking a hot shower, but I can't stay in the shower all day.
Does anyone have any tips on how to talk to your doc about this? Any advice is appreciated!