Ack, I saw my Rheumy yesterday, and she put my on a low dose of Prednisone. She also wants me to get some bloodworkd done for RA and Lupus, but when I left her office yesterday, it was after 4:00, and I figured all the labs would be closing. (Her office doesn't do bloodwork) So I thought to myself, "I'll just go to a lab on tuesday and get the bloodwork then".
Then I was thinking later, But doesn't some of the RA bloodwork test for inflammation, which is what Prednisone treats, so won't being on the Pred skew the results? I am going to call the doc on tuesday, and check with her, but I didn't know if anyone here had any experience with this.
I have started having more joint pain and I have been getting rashy and painful when I go in the sun, so she wants to check me for Lupus. I take Plaquenil and Lyrica currently. What kinds of tests are done for Lupus? Thanks a lot!